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Hyper Connectivity

Ultra Smart

Ultimate Protection 


Phase One 


Phase one supports our Automotive Sector. The automotive sector neutralizes threats surrounding your vehicles in the communities you traverse through. As each sector is released, the app is updated to support our new device releases.


With the foundation of the mobile application, Your surroundings are transformed into a ultra intelligent and responsive environment. Allowing you to breathe and live life, while Horizon Eye watches your back.  


Nothing stays the same. The mobile application will respond to the changes in you environment and communicate protective measures that reflect your environment, particular to you.


Personalised Defence Metrics 

Receive recommendations that reflect your own environmental events, property, patterns and critical data that could prevent criminal activity.

Community Network 


Build a community network that automosly protects the ones you love and the community you are in. Send and receive updates, make connections, improve security and report events to safeguard your city

Hyper Increased Response Time

Dramatically reduce response time from you and authorities. The app will quickly alert you of events and allow you to respond at a much rapid rate. 

Alert Customization 

Everyone is different. Customize your alerts to only notify you of what you think is important. 

Personal Modification

Change how the system respond to different threats and alerts. Choose to have a automated experience or a more hands on and private approach.

Real Time Action

Stay up to date on threats and local occurrences to boost your safety and dramatically reduce chances of experiencing criminal activity.


Want to know when the app will be launched?

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